Tony Doyle

Image Copyright: © NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute Image

Tony is a creative digital artist, with experience ranging across academic work and professional practice. Originally from a pure music background (classical and jazz performance/composition), his practice has become focused on digital arts. Since being introduced to computer music during his masters studies, he continued to develop this interest for sonic and coding intersections during the course of doctoral research. This work and subsequent post-doctoral research focused on spatial audio in the area of ambisonics and spectral spatialisation. This included both technical development and compositional output. Since then, his practice has grown to incorporate web technologies, data science and machine learning in the production of creative works.

Full of Noises 2019

The project called Ringmind is an art-science collaboration between visual artist (Ashley James Brown ), sonic artist (Tony Doyle) and academics from astrophysics (Chris Arridge, Sam Hinson, Thomas Cann), humanities and social sciences (Bronislaw Szerszynski). The work in an immersive experience consisting of live spatial audio and projected visuals and spoken word. The initial proof-of-concept stage of this project takes as its focus the self-organising powers of planetary rings (such as those around Saturn) and researched by astrophysicists. It also considers the self-organising powers of planetary rings, we present these dynamics visually and sonically with open source live coding software (Processing and Supercollider), and using this to creatively stretch people’s ideas about the nature of consciousness and intelligence.
